The mango season is coming closer, there are so many different ways to eat mangoes. I have drank mango lassi, mango smoothie, you also something can eat it with They improve your digestive system Mangoes provide dietary fiber, Pectin, and Vitamin C which lowers Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol. Rubbing sliced up mangoes on your face is a very good way for preventing acne. Mangoes are also rich in iron, this is very good for anemic people and also good for women during pregnancy and menopause. Iron is also good for your health in general, like for your eyes, bones, and provides you with red blood cells. Not only mangoes but their leaves are also beneficial for humans, they help cure diabetes if you put the leaves in warm water over the night and then drink the water next morning with empty stomach. If you do this continuously every morning it will really help for your diabetes. Mangoes also prevent cancer and heart diseases. Mangoes are very antioxidants which fights against the viruses. Mangoes contain Glutamine which boosts memory power and keeps your brain cells active; this is very beneficial for children. Mangoes also have an abundant supply of vitamin E which is good for you.